Featured Spotlight Station: Sorcerer Radio

Live365's "Featured Spotlight Station" this week is Sorcerer Radio! We spoke with DJ Sorcey about their setup, what listeners can expect to hear, and the station's favorite songs. Check out the interview below!

What brought you to Live365?

We got our start on Live365 back in 2001, so it's always had a soft spot in our hearts. We wanted an easy way to report our music and remain compliant.

What's your studio like?

MacOS, Sennheiser headphones, and a Yeti mic are the basics.

What can listeners expect when they tune in to your station?

Listeners will hear the best of Disney music, from pop remakes and classics to tons of Disney Park music.

What has been your favorite moment as a DJ/Station Manager so far?

It's so rewarding to be able to provide an immersive experience to our listeners.

What is the best concert you've ever attended, and why?

The Cure. They had a huge impact on my life growing up, and it took a while for me to catch up with them in concert, but I had that pleasure back in 2016 in New Orleans.

What artist (dead or alive) would you love to see live, but haven't had the chance to see?

Depeche Mode

We asked for some favorite songs. Here's what they had to say!

These are some personal faves:

  1. Lovesong - The Cure
  2. When She Loved Me - Sarah McLachlan
  3. The entire Disintegration album - The Cure
  4. Marley - Kenny Chesney
  5. Dear Mama - 2Pac

Listen to Sorcerer Radio on Live365.com, like them on Facebook, and follow them on Twitter and Instagram!

Live365 Broadcasters! Want the chance to be featured? Fill out the form at the following link: Featured Spotlight Station Submission Form. (Duplicate station entries will only be featured once. You must have a Live365 Broadcaster account.)

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