Live365 Is Now Part of SoundStack!

Live365 is now part of SoundStack!

What’s SoundStack?

SoundStack is the unification of audio companies Media Creek, EmpireStreaming, AudioReach, Abovecast, and AudioCatapult. Launched today, SoundStack is an innovative Audio-as-a-Service (AaaS) company, delivering and simplifying audio creation, monetization, and distribution at scale to better serve creators, publishers, and advertisers.

So what does that mean for Live365?

Live365 was previously owned by Media Creek, so everything remains the same — our parent company just has a new name, SoundStack. We're still perfectly independent and fully bootstrapped as an organization, and we’re more dedicated than ever to serving audio creators like the Live365 Broadcaster Community.

Regarding the SoundStack rebrand, CEO Jon Stephenson said: “To our Live365 community: We’re not going anywhere. You’ll still know us as Live365. Our pricing model is the same, our offering is the same, and the people are the same. Our commitment to providing royalty coverage and an all-in-one broadcasting platform continues to grow. With the rebrand of SoundStack and the launch of our Engine product, we’ll be able to offer more reliability to Live365 stations and get innovative features first to our broadcasting community.”

To learn more, read Jon’s blog post about SoundStack’s launch.

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Article Image: The white Live365 (A SoundStack Company) logo alongside "News" with a box around it, all on a black background.