Pairing Your Radio Station with a Podcast (& Vice Versa)

Creating a podcast when you already have a radio station or creating a station when you already have a podcast may seem unnecessary or even redundant. However, pairing the two can actually be a great strategy for some. Although podcasts and radio have many similarities, they also have several key differences that allow you to deliver distinct value by having both. So, for some more information on the benefits of pairing the two, keep on reading!

Delivering Distinct Value

Given the differences between radio and podcasts, there is a real opportunity to offer content that you don't already deliver. While you can deliver similar content, it is likely that your radio station would mostly consist of music, potentially with some talk pieces throughout, while your podcast would most likely deliver talk exclusively. This distinction alone can help you deliver more value to your listeners, as well as distinct value.

Additionally, you can create related or totally separate content on a podcast and radio station and that can add to even more unique value. The bottom line is the medium itself helps to create distinct value, but you then also have the choice of the content you want to create on each medium, which adds to that value delivery.

Translating Passion

There is a high likelihood that if you are a broadcaster or podcaster already, that your passion could translate to the other platform pretty easily. In fact, you might already have a passion for the other platform, even if it's just a passion for listening.

You can be passionate about broadcasting or podcasting for the more technical side of it and/or you can be passionate about certain genres or topics. Whatever the case may be, you could really personally enjoy creating a podcast or radio station to pair with what you have already created because those passions can easily translate across the platforms.

You might find that a podcast creates an outstanding opportunity to talk about the music that you play on your station. Or, you might find that a podcast would be a great place for you to discuss things that you are passionate about that don't really fit on your station. On the other hand, you might find that a station gives you the chance to share music and more related content with your podcast listeners. Or, a station might just be the place where your listeners can learn more about you, such as the music you like, outside of your podcast topic.

Your podcast and radio station don't necessarily have to relate to each other all that much. While you should find ways to create that connection between the two sometimes, you could easily share very different content and simply remind your listeners what to expect when listening to your podcast and radio station. This way, listeners that go across platforms to hear you know what to expect and aren't surprised to find content that varies from what they are used to hearing.

Skill Set & Equipment Transition

Podcasting and radio broadcasting take quite similar skill sets and equipment to make happen. This ultimately means it is a pretty easy transition to add whichever one you aren't already doing into the mix. While there are some things you might have to learn or improve upon, overall, you likely have the equipment you need or most of it, and you have the audio thing and technical know-how down.

If you are a radio broadcaster, you might need to work on your hosting, storytelling, editing, and so forth. If you are a podcaster, you might need to work on playlisting, programming your station, and talking live on-air. In the whole grand scheme of things, these are really minor because you already have a strong background in creating and sharing audio.

Discoverability & Growth

Pairing a podcast with your radio station (and vice versa) means double your existence online. This translates to better discoverability because of the increased content you are delivering and wider reach of using both media.

More content will likely help with your SEO, meaning you can start to rank better in Google searches. And, if you have a centralized website where you also repurpose your podcast and radio station content, you can be sure that your ranking will improve.

You will have a wider reach because different audiences listen to podcasts than internet radio. This is due to interests, restrictions, and so forth. For you, this means more opportunities to gain listeners because you are reaching new audiences that you wouldn't reach without the pairing.

With two platforms means you have the chance to cross-promote. So, you can plug your station on your podcast and vice versa. As discussed, given the access to different audiences, you can direct those that only listen to you in one place across platforms. This is helpful because you are creating more traffic for yourself.

Additionally, if you are delivering more valuable content to your listeners, many of them will likely follow you across platforms and get to know you even better. This means that you are building relationships and thus loyalty with your listeners. Aside from more engagement with you, both radio and a podcast provide intimate listening experiences, so that means listeners will also get a sense of a one-on-one discussion or interaction with you whether they are a podcast listener, radio listener, or both. Everything about this helps you build a loyal community.

Ultimately, increased content, a wider reach, better discoverability, a loyal community, and more opportunities for promotion all mean growth for you in the end. And, growth enables you to reach your goals.

As you can see, there are certainly some benefits to having both a station and a podcast. While pairing the two might not be for everyone, it is a strategy that could be helpful in reaching your goals, whatever they may be. And, the fact that the skill sets and equipment seamlessly transition make the strategy that much more attractive.

For more information on internet radio and broadcasting, see our FAQ and our Broadcasting tag. To learn more about podcasting, see this organized list of informational podcast articles.

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Article Image: Austin Distel via Unsplash.